Ankyra Medical Journal (AnkMJ), formerly known as the Journal of Translational and Practical Medicine, regularly publishes international quality issues in the field of Medicine in the light of current information.

EndNote Style

Current Issue 2024/3/4

Original Article
Investigation of the D188V mutation in the SCN1A gene in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy

Published: 23 Jul 2024

Citation: Seğmen H, Tanık O. Investigation of the D188V mutation in the SCN1A gene in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Ank Med J. 2024;3(4):79-83.

Original Article
Evaluation of sleep quality in children with allergic rhinitis

Published: 23 Jul 2024

Citation: Kemer Aycan Ö, Özcanlı Çay Ö. Evaluation of sleep quality in children with allergic rhinitis. Ank Med J. 2024;3(4):84-87.

Oral health and periodontitis: why should we care?

Published: 23 Jul 2024

Citation: Barış K, Aydoğan T, Karşıyaka Hendek M,Olgun E. Oral health and periodontitis: why should we care? Ank Med J. 2024;3(4):88-91.

The dental perspective on metformin

Published: 23 Jul 2024

Citation: Yollar ET. The dental perspective on metformin. Ank Med J. 2024;3(4):92-95.

Rehabilitation of total hip arthroplasty

Published: 23 Jul 2024

Citation: Kültür T, Özkan A. Rehabilitation of total hip arthroplasty. Ank Med J. 2024;3(4):96-100.

Most Read Articles

Original Article
Exploring the antibiotic susceptibility of nosocomial infection causative Corynebacterium striatum strains

Published: 14 Sep 2022

Citation: Ataman Hatipoğlu Ç, Cesur S, Kaya Kılıç E, et al. Exploring the antibiotic susceptibility of nosocomial infection causative Corynebacterium striatum strains. J Transl Pract Med 2022; 1(2): 32-34.

Original Article
Ocular pulse amplitude and hemodynamy in controlled asymmetric glaucoma: a cross-sectional study

Published: 18 Sep 2022

Citation: Civelekler M. Ocular pulse amplitude and hemodynamy in controlled asymmetric glaucoma: a cross-sectional study. J Transl Pract Med 2022; 1(2): 43-48.

Original Article
Is this the end of intensified insulin therapy and obesity in light of updates with novel medicines?

Published: 26 Dec 2022

Citation: Varol H, İğdeli U, Karahan İ, Çifci A. Is this the end of intensified insulin therapy and obesity in light of updates with novel medicines?. J Transl Pract Med. 2022;1(3): 79-84.
